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Noah the Elephant

Regular price
$60.00 USD
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Sale price
$60.00 USD

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Noah, the little crochet elephant, loved to dance on his tiny knitted toes under the shimmering moonlight. One night, as he twirled and swayed, he stumbled upon a magical ball of yarn that could speak! The yarn whispered secrets of a faraway land where all crochet creatures could come to life, and with a twinkle in his button eyes, Noah set off on an adventure to find this enchanted place. Along the way, he met a wise old crochet owl and a giggly knitted fox who joined him, and together, they hopped from cloud to cloud, weaving dreams into reality.

Washing Instructions

-Hand wash only. Use baby detergent.

- Gently Squeeze out excess water.

-Lay flat on a dry surface until completely. dry.